Monday, September 14, 2009


Go Crew!!!

Columbus Crew 2
Houston Dynamo 1

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Speeding up the Vanilla???

I got to thinking this evening that there had to be a faster way (besides adding pre-made vanilla or more beans) to speed up the process.... It is fun to watch it slowly change, but I want to use it!!!!

So I went scavenging about google looking at other recipes. (Gotta love google!) I saw a few that suggested giving the bottle a good shake for 30 seconds every day to speed up the process. Just finished the first shake. Can't wait to see how it looks at the three month mark if I keep up the shaking!

I think, just maybe, it's a shade darker already...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Is Cultured Butter Better?


If it's homemade? Well... still working on acheiving better than equivalent taste with that one.

I think I am going to need to experiment with seasonings or spices to find the taste I am looking far. I keep thinking there will be a stronger tangy taste. (Like the store bought cultured stuff....) Maybe I am just rushing the process by stopping at 24 hours instead of going on to 36. So far I have tried a mild creme fraiche (two Christmases ago) and plain yogurt (this time) as the culture. Next time, the buttermilk.

But, better taste aside, there is something about the process of taking cream and turning it into butter that makes you feel like you have concquered something basic and raw. Almost primal. Like making bread! Plus its just so cool to watch the cream thicken overnight and then, after mixing the cream to a point just past the place you would normally stop when making whipped cream, to watch the butter globules just -POOF- suddenly drop out of the whipped cream and appear in your mixing bowl! One minute cream, next minute butter. Who knew butter could be so close?

Used the recipe from this article-
with Snowville Creamery whipping cream
and about 1/2 c of nonfat plain Dannon yogurt.

Getting ready to mix up the thickened cream


As the cream turns grainy and the butter starts to drop out


During the rinsing process


Butter! rolled up in wax paper and ready for the freezer


Vanilla- Two Month Check


So fascinating to watch it slowly change color! May need to break down and add more beans or some pre-made vanilla to speed up the process though....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How many lights?

Sunday turned out to be one of those perfect cloudy days, clear and slightly on the cool side, that don't usually show up so close to mid summer. To celebrate, a friend and I took to the streets of Cincinnati to see what we could see.

This photo amused me for the sheer number of lights visible in the background of the lamp post. It was taken near DeSales Corner.



Near the knitting shop One Stitch, several trees have found themselves hugged with knit scarfs. This one is just plain whimsy out of a Dr. Seuss book.

Up in Mt. Adams there was lots to see.


One unexpected place we discovered was the Mt. Adam Stairs leading up to the Church of the Immaculata from down below. Apparently on Good Friday, pilgrims say prayers on each step as they make their way up from the bottom of the hill to the church. (Okay, M knew about it and took us there b/c she knew about it....., but, it was an amazing feeling of discovery for me in unexpectedly happening upon this place on an afternoon wander.)



We even saw Friar Tuck, who kindly invited us to dine with him! Sadly, we had to decline...




Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Vanilla- One Month Check

Here is a peak at how my attempt at homemade vanilla is coming along. The recipe suggested adding a little bought vanilla to speed up the process, but for this first batch I wanted to see how it long it would take.

Ingredients: 1 bottle of cheap vodka; 2 vanillabeans; time...

At one month out, it is finally starting to turn a lovely light brown color.


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Inspiration Board

or my version of one anyway!

I finally found a use for the Ikea curtain wires I purchased earlier this fall and somehow never got around to putting up.



The batik image is a gift from a friend who recently travelled to South Africa.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Note to Self

Do not buy salted butter again. Yech.

This month has been lighter on the art project side and heavier on the cooking. Had to make up for that demoralizing pizza fiasco.... (I am working on a pair of socks.)

Some of the dishes that have made the top of my list this week are:

English Muffins with Sauteed Spinach and Swiss.
--both recipes (English muffins; muffin filling) were from Beautiful Breads and Fabulous Fillings.

Homemade Chocolate Pudding
--still working on finding an "excellent" version, but the "pretty good" versions have been quite tasty

Slow Cooker Potato Corn Chowder

No photos at the moment.......

Saturday, January 10, 2009





hmm. guess that would be turkey cheese roll-ups for dinner then, eh....?

Christmas Tree 2008

A last look at my Christmas tree before I take it down


New ormanents for this year:
from Ten Thousand Villages... made in Vietnam

paper cranes folded from Japanese origami paper

Photobucket Photobucket

ornaments received as gifts


Monday, January 5, 2009

A Look Back

Somehow, it seems right to take a look back at some of my end of the year creativity before looking forward and setting new goals, new resolutions... Among the many December projects, here is a glimpse of a few:

my first attempts at "quilt journaling"....with yarn and wool

  • for the wells of creativity that spout out randomly during nano
  • for the recent election
Photobucket Photobucket

making felt ornaments, mostly like those I saw in the store of pomegranetes or oranges, but here is one I designed of a snowman

my finished anemoi hat


and a free form wall-hanging (about 65% finished) inspired by small felt circles --a couple of which you can see, but most of which have yet to be embellished and attached


As for the new, my new year's resolutions are these:

1. Focus on the basics
2. Stop waiting for happiness. Happiness is right here. Right now. (this one is borrowed from Zen Habits blog. something I already now, but .... always good to be reminded.)