Monday, January 5, 2009

A Look Back

Somehow, it seems right to take a look back at some of my end of the year creativity before looking forward and setting new goals, new resolutions... Among the many December projects, here is a glimpse of a few:

my first attempts at "quilt journaling"....with yarn and wool

  • for the wells of creativity that spout out randomly during nano
  • for the recent election
Photobucket Photobucket

making felt ornaments, mostly like those I saw in the store of pomegranetes or oranges, but here is one I designed of a snowman

my finished anemoi hat


and a free form wall-hanging (about 65% finished) inspired by small felt circles --a couple of which you can see, but most of which have yet to be embellished and attached


As for the new, my new year's resolutions are these:

1. Focus on the basics
2. Stop waiting for happiness. Happiness is right here. Right now. (this one is borrowed from Zen Habits blog. something I already now, but .... always good to be reminded.)

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