What is a vegetable board? A paper or board posted somewhere in your kitchen to track all the fresh vegetables currently residing in your refrigerator. A simple idea that has a real possibility of killing two birds with one stone- inspiring better eating and saving a few more perfectly good veggies from the trash bin. Especially useful for an easily side-tracked gal like me who is attempting to balance frugality with healthy eating. They actually proposed it back in July of 2010, but somehow I forgot about it and let it slip down to the bottom of my someday list. Until today.
L is for....Leon's Lunchbox
7 years ago
so how is the vegetable board working?
awesome actually. my veggie and fruit intake is slowly inching it's way toward five a day. and only 1 zucchini and 1 clementine have bit the dust since i started. (and that was due to a water leak I didn't catch).
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