Thursday, January 31, 2013


An upcoming art show at church was finally the inspiration I needed to take my wall-hanging backdrop and turn it into a finished piece. I've had the background piece finished and hanging on my wall for maybe three years?, trying to decide what to put on it. This is what came.  The poem is one that I wrote specifically for the piece, as I was trying to find a way to explain what I meant by it as a whole and by all the individual different bits and pieces of stitching on it.  A couple of creating details-- 1) yes, those are used coffee filters stitched on behind the poem  and 2) I used water soluble stabilizer to stitch together the ribbons at the top  (for maybe a third of their length?) before attempting to stitch them onto the piece.

Sounding: God's Sonar

under the roar of waves
that make up
the cycle of every day

a mug of coffee
writing pages
tilting at paper dragons
rumblings of project details
last rays of sunlight over railroad tracks
late night phone conversations

nearly drowned out by the daily routines
of mundane minutiae

there is a beat, always present
like the drumbeat of the heart
in its silence and invisibility

still steady and present
reverberating down the
fault lines of self
reaching to the marrow of

a reminder
a call
a hope

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