Thursday, February 23, 2012

Of Rosemary and Teabags

It's been a quiet few days spent recovering from illness, but I am finally getting a bit of my energy back.  Was able to spend a little while in quiet pursuits this morning. 

My rosemary plant got a much needed trim.  

All his height was glorious but getting a bit unwieldy for the windowsill. Hopefully,he will grow back a little thicker and a little less tall.

Over the weekend, my parents came to visit, and my mom passed on a fascinating article on mixed media collage art titled "Tea and Entymology."  (You can get the article as part of a free download of articles from Quilting Daily if you sign up to get their emails.)  In it the artist dried out used tea bags, and then drew ink line drawings on the leftover paper after emptying out the bags.  Apparently you can then apply the paper and image to your collage using acrylic matte medium.  Who knew? A really fun use for old tea bags!

Happening to have quite a collection of tea bags collecting in a dish on my counter thanks to the "recovering from illness" bit, I thought I would give it a go. 

 Several tea bags carefully emptied of their tea leaves.

I then took a pen and made an attempt at tracing/free-hand copying a few images from a better homes and garden magazine onto the tea paper.  One word of caution, the ink does leak through the paper on heavier lines, so if you are rather fond of the photo and wanting to use it for something else, you might want to copy it first.

My new collection of tea paper drawings.

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