Sunday, March 13, 2011

Name That Veggie

Living alone, working full time, and having several projects going on in my "free" time often translates into repetitive meals. Heavy on the pasta and cheese; low on the vegetables slowly decaying in my crisper. Which brings me to a genius idea proposed by Zach and Clay over at the blog Bitten Word. A Vegetable Board.

What is a vegetable board? A paper or board posted somewhere in your kitchen to track all the fresh vegetables currently residing in your refrigerator. A simple idea that has a real possibility of killing two birds with one stone- inspiring better eating and saving a few more perfectly good veggies from the trash bin. Especially useful for an easily side-tracked gal like me who is attempting to balance frugality with healthy eating. They actually proposed it back in July of 2010, but somehow I forgot about it and let it slip down to the bottom of my someday list. Until today.

I have already appropriated a small white board to the cause. Here's to a week of better eating!



Tinbugs said...

so how is the vegetable board working?

Vanilla Bean said...

awesome actually. my veggie and fruit intake is slowly inching it's way toward five a day. and only 1 zucchini and 1 clementine have bit the dust since i started. (and that was due to a water leak I didn't catch).