Thursday, March 10, 2011


I have moved to a lovely apartment with high ceilings and lots of blank white walls. Given my tight budget and the fact that my furnishings tend to include more books and bookcases than anything else, I have had a bit of fun improvising solutions to these blank spaces. Hodge podge "art" from random things I found in my boxes as I was unpacking. Little combinations of things that make me happy, and hopefully, make my guests feel welcomed and comfortable and as though they really do want to come again. Even if their choice of seating in my living room is wood chair, storage bin, or camp chair!

a strand of Christmas lights and silver ornaments adds a cozy feel (and a bit of needed light) to my living room


an airy fabric (intended for a skirt once upon a time) lends a bit of sophistication to my card table


assorted bottles collected over the years gives a touch of interest to my kitchen cabinets


a piece of framed fabric adds a bit of graphic art to my long buffet table


and my favorite,

a collection of paper lanterns -picked up from the dollar store and languishing in a box for years...., combined with some bright yarn and a re-purposed fork, fill a corner of my study with a cheery mobile ( The re-purposed fork was a gift- a leftover from a project of making a wind chime/mobile from flattened silverware for a camp fundraiser.) To give a concept of the scale of the mobile, the diameter of the smaller lanterns is 6" and the diameter of the larger lanterns is closer to 10". 


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